Wednesday, November 26, 2008


1. What was a weakness of the Weimar Republic?

a. They were the government involved in the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.

b. There was no tradition of democracy in Germany.

c. There was no strong leadership, instead, there were coalition governments.

d. All of the above

2. In November 1923, a new Chancellor was appointed. He helped Germany get back on its feet economically, what was his name?

a. Gustav Stresemann

b. Dr Wolfgang Kapp

c. Matthias Erzberger

d. Walter Rathenau

3. Who were the 3 leaders for the SA, the SS, and the Gestapo?

a. Goebbels, Stresemann, Hindenburg

b. Rohm, Stalin, Himmler

c. Heydrich, Rohm, Himmler

d. None of the above

4. In 1934 Hitler set up the People's Court, this is the equivalent of what during Russia's revolution?

a. Purges

b. Show trials

c. Court trials

d. Executions

5. Who were the Undesirables?

a. People who were loyal to Hitler, but betrayed him in the end.

b. People who were not Aryan, and did not fit in the society.

c. Aryans

d. All of the above

d a c b b